A Picture of Waiting–Rebecca Rodgers’ “Between the Academy and a Profession”

My website header refers to the unexpectedness of life and recently mine has had a few twists and turns of its own.  I’ve found myself with less energy for writing and not enough time for reading!  Consequently I’m going to cheat a little today and direct you to an article I came across via a friend’s facebook wall that beautifully encapsulates the alternating pain and hope of times of waiting.  Rebecca Rodgers (author) writes from a perspective of Christian faith about her emotional struggles on the road to finding work, but her experience applies universally to anyone who has found themselves doing everything they can and yet coming up empty.  Rodgers also discusses how her faith has sustained her through this process and comes to some encouraging realizations for other Christians.

Take a moment to read her story.  For those in a similar place, be encouraged that you are not alone.  For those who are walking alongside friends in this place, take away insight into the journey of waiting.
